Wellard Limited
Websites | Branding | Brochures | Presentations
Wellard is a world leader in the production and distribution of livestock and grain and is Australia’s largest livestock exporter and ship owner. They deliver nutrition around the globe using a vertically integrated supply chain.

The website is built to carry a large amount of information and, as a company listed on the ASX, must also be able to provide existing and potential investors with the latest information on the company’s activities
Wellard makes a lot of presentations to shareholders, staff and clients around the world. They needed a series of multimedia presentations that could be easily updated and where each one varied in its visual look to try to combat boredom and maintain people’s interest – but each one also had to fit in as part of a family to ensure a consistent brand was always presented
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If we can help you in any way please don't hesitate to call us on +61 8 9381 5900