Your mining company excels at its core business. You have an excellent website to represent your mining company, but how do you make your company’s website stand out from the competition?
1. Present your stock market reports on your website. If you’re an Australian company, listing your ASX reports in reverse chronological order (latest at the top) is an ideal way to keep investors happy.
2. Present detail about your mining projects. Having a section of your website dedicated to your mining projects keeps investors up to date with information they want.
3. Present your board and executives. When investors know the background of key decision makers, they’re more educated about the company’s direction.
4. A videos section. Investors like to see company progress, and keeping a collection of videos that show work on latest projects is key to keeping investors happy. An example is Battery Minerals’ video page.
5. A way to present the latest market information, such as a blog, or a Twitter feed placed professionally on your homepage, like Battery Minerals’ home page.
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If you would like some more information on how to leverage the latest trends for your business, contact Steve at or call 08 9381 5900