Digital Effectiveness
Insight’s ROI approach gives you a greater Return On Investment by making your digital communication more effective.
Making your digital communication more effective is paramount and our ROI approach will help to build your brand’s recognition and reputation by addressing 7 Key Digital Effectiveness Questions.
These 7 Key Questions, covered below, fall into 3 main areas – brand positioning, website development, movie and digital animation.

How do I present the ideal brand image?
Breaking through the intense competition requires a better digital brand image than the others. The diagram shows you the 4 Phases we go through to ensure your digital brand is positioned with an ideal brand image – one that will have strong appeal amongst your target audience.
How can I increase my web presence?
The diagram shows you the process we go through to increase your digital presence on the web – by ensuring searches, traffic flows and site access opportunities are maximised through SEO techniques to give you the greatest number of hits.
How can IÂ get an effective website?
An effective website will go through a 3 stage process that ensures the website – when it is finally lauched at Go-Live stage – will be visually appealing, easy to navigate and has the right functionality for existing and potential users.
How do I get a Website with a user friendly CMS?
CMS stands for content management system, which is an admin section of the website which lets you edit the rest of your website. A functional CMS system that makes things easy for the user when they are trying to update content and navigate through it are fundamental. Our CMS user interface is easy to use, allows for building client relationships and has SEO capability and statistical performance built in.
How do I keep control over my site content with so many people updating it?
Our content control process ensures each user follows a process that enables content to be approved prior to making it public. Reputations have been made or lost by control, or lack of it, over information that reaches the public domain.
How do I produce a movie animation that has real appeal?
Making a movie animation that really works requires a proven process that has been carefully thought through for each special situation. The diagram shows Insight’s process for ensuring the final presentation will appeal to your target audience.
How do I keep innovating my digital approach?
Technology is always changing and software continually needs updating. Insight stays ahead of your digital competition with our digital innovation process – to keep you ahead of the game.
ROI Approach
Insight uses its ROI Approach to ensure all of the visual communication and digital issues are considered in their strategic context. In other words, digital communication that is designed to give you a Return On Investment.
Our ROI Approach movie presentation shows you how we can help to improve your business and build your brand’s recognition and reputation.
Click on the movie link to play Insight’s “ROI Approach”.