The 4 Pillars of Communication Effectiveness
Insight’s ROI Approach is designed to deliver Communication Effectiveness. Effectiveness only occurs when the 4 Pillars of Communication Effectiveness are in balance with each other. The diagram illustrates these 4 Pillars. Insight’s ROI Approach takes into consideration the key issues that underlie each one of the 4 Pillars. These ‘key issues’ are outlined in more detail below.
Pillar 1 – Detailed Volume Targets
The communication effectiveness issues are:
- How many enquiries must be generated?
- What prices are our clients willing to pay for our range?
- How frequently will our clients buy?
- How much volume will be generated from each business source?
- How much will be bought from each part of the distribution channel?
- How much volume comes from new clients?
Pillar 2 – Target Market Segments
The communication effectiveness issues are:
- What are the characteristics of the people who will buy our goods or services?
- From whom can our target clients buy?
- What are our target clients going to buy?
- For what purpose are our target clients buying?
- What benefits are our target clients seeking?
- From where will our target clients buy?
- How ready are our target clients to buy?
- Can our clients be induced to speed up their purchasing process?
- What are the best sources of business?
- What is the ideal brand image which we must project to our market segments?
Pillar 3 – Expressing the Point of Difference
The communication effectiveness issues are:
- Does the message clearly state the target markets’ problems and the benefits our solutions deliver?
- Does the communication show how we do business differently from our competitors?
- Do our points of sale really deliver our promised differences?
- Does our communication project the quality of tone and image that appeals to our target markets
- Does the media selected match our target markets’ media usage habits?
- Does the media selected exploit the differences between us and our competitors’ communication mixes?
- How well does our communication grab, hold and maintain attention?
- Is our message believable, with inherent credibility?
- How well does the message convince and lead our customers to buy?
- Does the communication arouse a positive emotional response in itself?
- Can our target clients identify themselves, from the communication, as the person to whom we are talking?
Pillar 4 – Efficient Allocation of Communication Effort
The communication effectiveness issues are:
- What measures are we using to optimise the communication mix?
- What reach and frequency must we have to achieve our enquiries target?
- How should we determine the most effective level of communication expenditure?
- How much expenditure must we allocate to maintain current business, to increase business from existing clients and to attract new clients?
- How much business will this year’s expenditure bring in next year?
- What are our most efficient purchase policies and procedures for media and promotional material?
- Are we breaking through the competitive noise level?
- How well do we deliver our promises?
- How well do we monitor the information required to fine tune our communication effectiveness?