Why Your Website is More Important Than Your Business Card
Should you invest in a quality business card, or a quality website? I’ll argue that you should invest in both, but also that your website is more important. 1. Reach With a business card, you are limited by how many you can hand out, or deliver. With a...

What is a Bounce Rate?
In terms of website statistics like Google Analytics, a bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors that leave without viewing any other web pages other than the one they land on. If your website is a single page, then this is nothing to...

Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website?
Your business has paid money for your website to be designed and built. Google Analytics has been installed on your website so you can view your website statistics. You find that a month after your website was launched, you have very small visitor numbers....

Differentiating Trends and Fads
Grab the free e-book "How to Write Copy That People AND Search Engines LOVE" so you can keep people on your page and rank highly on Google Trends and fads are both things we all experience once every few years. Whether that is in the form of fashion, technology or...

Envisioning 2020 – How will we communicate & the importance of good design (UI/UX)
20 years ago, we would have never imagined that the power of a mobile phone today would have enough processing power to send man to the moon and back, so what will the next 20 years look like and how will we interact with this new world? As we currently stand,...