Atlas Iron
Corporate Movie | Visual Branding | Annual Reports
Atlas is an Australian iron ore company, mining and exporting Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) from its operations in the Northern Pilbara region of Western Australia. These include established mines, near-term ore reserves and exploration projects ranging from green fields to advanced resources
Corporate Movie
A movie of Atlas’ operations and innovative approach was designed and built through complex editing using a variety of video snippets, animated effects, music and voice over components. The movie is used for investors, staff, and existing and potential clients in China, America and India.
Visual Branding
A new visual brand image for Atlas was developed using the components of the logo to design a visual palette. From the palette, a range of brand recognition devices were brought together to construct a very different looking visual brand image that was continually reinforced with the use of uniform and consistent thematics and messaging across the armoury of communication tools.
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If we can help you in any way please don't hesitate to call us on +61 8 93815900